bout linux - .deb install

.deb files are a NOT VERY GOOD alternative to flatpak.
I used to use them, so below are my docs.

.deb files are binary files to install on the distros that
come from debian like ubuntu, chromeos linux container, mint, etc.

you can install a .deb in chromeos by just doubleclicking it in the Files app.

below is top dir in name format of app_version-revis_arch version is yyyymmdd. revis always 1. arch is amd64 or arm64. (my preferences, of course)

below is the dirname for your app (shazware for my example)

install: sudo dpkg -i .deb sudo dpkg -i shazware_20220514-1_amd64.deb
remove: sudo dpkg -P sudo dpkg -P shazware

CREATING A .deb ...

sudo apt install dpkg (probably already there)

mkdir -p /opt/app/
mkdir /DEBIAN
cp to /opt/app//
cp to /usr/share/applications
vi /DEBIAN/control with...
Package: shazware
Version: 20220514
Architecture: amd64 (or armhf for raspi)
Maintainer: Stephen Hazel
Description: shazware - Stephen HAZel’s softWARE and an extra long description starting with space ned - Nifty text EDitor ftx - Find TeXt in files under a directory flatten - flatten all dirs/files under a directory to dirs_files undup - kill off dup files based on contents matching exactly
Section: custom
Priority: optional
Essential: no
Installed-Size: (size of exe in bytes)

Taking care of external dependencies:
copy to a linux drive that can handle diff case diff file (NTFS won’t)
cp -pr DEBIAN debian (you may have to do this on a drive that CAN DO dirs of same name diff case)
ln -s opt/app/ x
dpkg-shlibdeps -v -O x/ x/ ...etc
copy the last line into your DEBIAN/control file
rm -fr debian
rm x

dpkg-deb --build --root-owner-group
NOW stick that .deb on your website
(WITH the top couple lines about how TF to install/remove/etc)
...aaand see who whines


test remove: dpkg -l | grep output should be blank if uninstalled correctly.

Run scripts before or after package installation and removal
/DEBIAN/preinst postinst prerm postrm
are called maintainer scripts.
must be chmod between 0555 and 0775.

When installing, if you see Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstall it before attempting a removal.
Then keep anything you want preserved then sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/.* /tmp/ sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq

dpkg-gencontrol writes names of package files into "debian/files".
Parsing it much easier than any dances with resulting files in parent directory
(i.e. parsing ../*.changes").

.desktop files: usually in /usr/share/applications or ~/.local/share/applications else: create an ‘applications’ directory somewhere put your .desktop files add path of it’s parent directory to the XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable
