bout linux - flatpak
flatpak is THEEE linux packaging format.And there's flathub that'll (nicely) publish your app with all the others.
It'll do multi-architecture and multi-distro.
flatpak's main deal
is that when you build your source, it will link to a standard set of shared libs provided by a "flatpak runtime".
So what's actually going on, is that the shared libs in the flatpak runtime do what your distro should have done a long long LONG time ago and set a standard.
At some point, I'd expect at least the desktop of each distro to be written on top of flatpak runtimes. Hopefully soon.
special directories
Flatpak executables run in a pseudo-sandbox. The idea is to protect the user from malicious apps. But, in practice, most of that protection is circumvented so your app can do all the things it actually does need to do.
But one nice thing is that your apps have a "virtual" install and config directory all to themselves.
When your apps of the flatpak run, the binaries are at
And your config files go into
Those files are persisted in the user's home dir at:
If you want to see your app's runtime layout, here's how to "enter the virtual world" your app sees:
flatpak run --command=sh app.pianocheetah.pianocheetaha
That'll put you in a shell and you can
cd /app
cd /var ...etc etc etc
These directory paths only exist while the flatpak exes run. This will mean a minor rewrite to some of your code. If you start other executables that are part of the flatpak, you'll need to system() them in /app/bin/whatever_exe
And when you write config files, no more ~/.config/my_package/my_conf.conf - you'll need to path to /var/config/my_conf.conf
Let's git started
The flatpak docs are here
They're very good but also very, uh, slim...
The first thing to do though is...
setup a manifest
I do mine in 2 steps since pianocheetah is closed source:
build manifest
distribute manifest for flathub
build manifest
Ok, this is my build manifest - not your's. I use qt6 and c++.
The first part lists your app id - a "triplet" in "reverse dns format".
Since my website here is every flatpak I make has this prefix.
Not super thrilled about that, but that's how it has to be.
And you can't publish a flatpak if the triplet prefix isn't a real website.
Next, you see pianocheetah depends on the kde runtime version 6.6.
(think kde=qt and gnome=gtk) 6.6 is currently the latest version of Qt.
If I were to use the latest version of Qt that apt gives me,
that'd likely not be nearly as up to date.
Next, you see the finish-args - those are my app's "permissions".
If I use filesystem=home instead of host, flatpak turns
paths in your home dir into some pretty terrible softlinks
that I don't want to deal with or have my users see.
You also see I use wayland, and fallback to x11 if unavailable.
And you have to use socket=pulseaudio if you want access to alsa.
From then on is just using cmake (the version Qt wants) to compile each of my executables in Release mode.
I have a common set of .cpp and .h files in a dir called "stv" that my code uses.
You'll likely want to learn qtcreator so it'll setup your dang
CMakeList.txt files for you.
Also note that the first "module" is actually my .desktop and icon files. and an "appdata" file about my program with screenshots, etc. The flatpak docs explain that gory stuff.
That's all the explanation you get - sorry.
The main docs are good, but skimpy.
My script to actually run the build (please excuse my php)
is here
build dirs
Ok that build script looked a little ugly (i mean, it is php).
Let's talk about the flatpak build and release process.
build dir - this is where flatpak-builder
(which you'll need to apt install) writes your executables, etc.
repo dir - this is a dir you can distribute/install your app from.
It might be an actual git repo. Not sure :/
.flatpak-builder - a cache dir holding previous builds -
I usually just wipe it.
distribute manifest
Here's my distribute manifest - much simpler :)
And my build script can be given an o argument to stop upon making the build diretory for flathub. Then I make a pull request on flathub's repo and add my build dir and the release manifest.
All the release manifest does is take the binaries and desktop/icon/appdata and put em in a flatpak repo. Then upon the flathub guys doin' their thing, it shows up on flathub :)
One last problem flatpak has is
how do I run flatpaks from the command line ???
I got your answer...
next: flatpak on the command line home